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Récapitulatif des informations S4

8 janvier 2014 : Lors d'une session de Q/R après la projection de The Last Vow, Steven Moffat a declaré que Mark Gatiss et lui avaient déjà en tête les intrigues des saisons 4 et 5. (Sherlock announcement)

2 février 2014 : Dans une interview, Steven Moffat confirme que les saisons 4 et 5 sont sur les rails. La saison 4 prendra en compte ce qui s'est passé durant la saison 3, notamment la présence de Mary est confirmée. (TV Guide)

5 mars 2014 : Steven Moffat précise que Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey) et Mrs Hudson (Una Stubbs) devraient avoir une place plus importante dans la saison 4, et qu'un nouveau personnage féminin pourrait être de la partie. 

En ce qui concerne les méchants, Moffat a ajouté que Moriarty serait de retour dans la saison 4, suite au twist du dernier épisode de la saison 3. Prévu dès le début, celui-ci n'aurait pas été rajouté au dernier moment à la demande des fans, et augure donc des retrouvailles au sommet ! (Source : Allociné, merci Olosta)

 →  25 avril 2014 : Martin Freeman avoue au cours d'une interview à Alan Carr dans son émission Chatty Man que la saison 4 devrait être tournée au début de l'année 2015 et que les auteurs auraient l'intention de faire un épisode spécial , un "one-off"un peu à part, qui serait diffusé avant la saison 4. Mark Gatiss déclare peu après sur Twitter que l'une de ses histoire préféré est l'Escarmoucle Bleue, une aventure qui se déroule à Noël. (Sources : Huffington Post & SSHF, merci Syldana).

 → 2 juillet 2014 : La société de production Hartswood FIlms confirme que le tournage de l'épisode spécial débutera en janvier 2015 et que le tournage des trois épisodes suivants se fera plus tard dans l'année. (Source : bbcmediacenter)

12 octobre 2014 : Mark Gatiss semble avoir commencé l'écriture du prochain épisode de Sherlock. (@Markgatiss)

28 octobre 2014 : Un mot-clé de la saison 4 est révélé, il s'agit de "Ghosts". (Sherlockology)

5 novembre 2014 : Le réalisateur Douglas Mackinnon (Line Of Duty, Doctor Who), confirme sur Twitter une rumeur qui courait déjà depuis quelque temps, il va bien travailler sur Sherlock. (@drmuig)

5 janvier 2015 : Début effectif du tournage.

10 février 2015 : Fin de tournage de l'épisode special.

22 février 2015 : L'épisode est en cours de montage.

Ecrit par realbion 

Sherlock Saison 4 : Que savons-nous jusqu'à présent ?

Dossier de CultBox sur le tournage de la saison 4 [màj  11/09/2015]


La saison 4 de Sherlock devrait revenir en 2016 (probablement), après la diffusion d'un épisode special à Noël.

Déclarations concernant la saison 4

Mark Gatiss
“…we’ll probably be gearing up for making Sherlock…. [although filming won’t start until] next year [2016], I’m afraid.”

Mark Gatiss
“Just because [Mary’s death is] in the stories doesn’t mean it’ll happen in the series because there’s an awful lot of changes and an awful lot of places to go and things to do …  there are lots of surprises to come.”

Benedict Cumberbatch
“I’d like us to finish on a high, but we’ll do it until we don’t want to do it anymore … I’d love to do it into old age, I really would.”

Steven Moffat
“We get slagged off for only making nine Sherlocks – Robert Downey Jr has made two in that time.”

Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama
“Steven and Mark are ready to unleash the most shocking and surprising series of Sherlock yet. The only thing to expect is the unexpected…”

Sue Vertue
“It’s taken a little while to get the dates sorted as none of the boys are exactly sitting back twiddling their thumbs but there was unanimous goodwill to make this work, so we’re thrilled that 221b is going to be inhabited again.”

Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One
“Massive thanks to Sue Vertue and Hartswood Films for pulling this off, it’s no mean feat pinning down some of this country’s most brilliant and in-demand actors and writers.”

Steven Moffat
“Had we done the conventional form of a TV series, which is to do runs of six or twelve, it would be over by now without doubt, it would be finished.”

Steven Moffat
“It’s all going in the right direction. There’s nothing to worry about. Everyone’s very willing to make it work.”

Mark Gatiss
“[Steven Moffat and I have] moved significantly closer to getting a date in the diary for Series 4.”

Martin Freeman
“I thought the plan was to [film Season 4] in the autumn [2014] but apparently that’s fallen away.”

Andrew Scott
“It’s just a question of getting everybody together, really. Everybody is super-busy – I wouldn’t like to be the production scheduler on Sherlock!”

Andrew Scott
“All of our plans on Sherlock are long-term ones, so yeah, I certainly had a feeling that Moriarty’s storyline wasn’t over … I knew about that stuff years ago.”

Steven Moffat
“The fact that we only do it occasionally means it’s not swamping anyone’s schedule. Eventually, I’ll stop doing Doctor Who, because it stops me doing anything else. But Sherlock doesn’t swamp my schedule, doesn’t swamp anyone. So I could imagine we’ll come back and do Sherlock fairly often for many years, rather than very often for a few years.”

Amanda Abbington
“We don’t know storylines [for Series 4] yet. Well, we do know some things but aren’t allowed to say. What we do know is amazing.”

Steven Moffat
“Sue [Vertue, Sherlock‘s producer, is] working on the schedules right now. You know, we’ll do what we can, but with no sacrifice in quality — that’s the thing. If people have to wait two years, they’ll have to wait two years.”

Steven Moffat
“I can’t really say what we’re doing with [Moriarty’s return], but there is no last-minute whim in this. We’ve had what we’re going to do with Moriarty in place from before the second season. Exactly what we’re going to do.”

Andrew Scott
“I think it’s very important with Moriarty that you don’t overuse him. I think the reason he’s been a success is because he has a mystery.”

Steven Moffat
“I don’t think that [killing Magnussen] will change Sherlock. He certainly won’t be haunted by guilt. He’s way in control of his emotions enough to say, ‘It’s time to switch that man off.’ And again, he’s friends with John, who was laughing after he shot a guy minutes after he did it. These are dangerous boys.”

Andrew Scott
“[The producers] didn’t have to convince me to come back because we knew all along Jim Moriarty would return. That’s what we always planned to do.”

Benedict Cumberbatch
“I’m going to keep going with [Sherlock]. I play enough other mad people to vary the palate of what I’m scrabbling around in my head as a storyteller … I love [playing Sherlock]. I find it very invigorating.”

Martin Freeman
“I’ve not read any new scripts. So all I know is we all like the show, we all want to keep doing it for as long as we want to do it and as long as we enjoy it.”

BBC Press Office
“[There is] nothing the BBC can say officially as yet [confirming Season 4].”

Steven Moffat
“Rather excitingly, Mark [Gatiss] and I, for no particular reason, we just got out of the rain and sat at the top of the [Sherlock] production bus and we just started plotting out what we could do in the future – and we plotted out the whole of Series 4 and 5.”

Steven Moffat
“You don’t know what’s going on there [with the return of Moriarty]. We know what’s going on there, but we’re not telling you! It must be hell watching this show! But obviously we enjoyed the fact that we get to see more of the wonderful Andrew Scott as Moriarty.”

Steven Moffat
“We’ll be back, fairly obviously… We’ll get them made as quickly as we can!”


Episode 1

Début du tournage : printemps 2016

Benedict Cumberbatch
“We’ve never seen [Sherlock] being really pressed yet, so that will be interesting.”

Steven Moffat
“We’re certainly going to put them through the mill. It’s going to be more of an emotional upheaval. Hopefully enjoyable and fun, all the things Sherlock must always be. It will be tough at times. Maybe that’s the word? A tougher series.”

Steven Moffat
“[Season 4] is going to be… consequences. Chickens come to roost. It’s dark in some ways…”

Steven Moffat
“…there’s a sense of… things… coming back to bite you. It’s not a safe, sensible way to live. It’s hilarious and exhilarating some days, but some days it’s going to be bloody frightening.”

Steven Moffat
“There are answers coming to questions which nobody has asked. There’s one thing that no one has really brought up…”

Mark Gatiss
“What we want to do for a fourth series is match [Season 3], but it’s not a question of saying ‘Well we need a baddie on that scale [of Charles Augustus Magnussen]’. It’s about trying to find stories that have that kind of scale to them.”

Martin Freeman
“What has been explained to me and Ben [Cumberbatch] and Amanda Abbington – my missus who plays Mary – has been very exciting. The plans they have for the overarching series – oh man, it’s just so exciting…”

Mark Gatiss
“…[Season 4] will take Sherlock and John Watson into deeper and darker water than ever before. The whole Sherlock team are terrifically excited to return for four new adventures.”

Steven Moffat
“Mary’s absolutely here [in Season 4]. We don’t just off her. How would that be at the start of the next series. ‘Where’s Mary?’ ‘Dead!'”


Episode 2

Steven Moffat
“We’ve got a clear idea what we’re going to do [in Season 4] and it’s going to be another shift in tone. Yes, there’s going to be some dark stuff coming, there always is, [but] there’ll also be lots of fun and jokes and detection and all that nonsense.”


Episode 3

Steven Moffat
“We’ve worked out what we want to do [in Season 4 and Season 5]. But it wasn’t very professional, we didn’t schedule a meeting or anything. It was just enthusiasm. Like fan boys, we got excited about what we could do next with Sherlock Holmes.”

Mark Gatiss
“You can always expect tragedy as well as adventure, that’s just how it goes.”

Steven Moffat
“We have a plan to top [Season 3] — and actually I do think our plan is devastating … We practically reduced our cast to tears…”

Martin Freeman
“While we play fast and loose with the original stories, we generally follow the trajectory of what Conan Doyle did. So he [Watson] gets married, and then Mary dies – so at some point presumably she’ll die.”

Ecrit par realbion 
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